Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Pat Fink Remembers

Sandra Pillow-Poshinske Remembers

Barbara "Bobby" Christall Remembers
“I loved him dearly. He was always there, spoiling me, protecting me, making me laugh. He bought my first watch and then my first bicycle. He taught me how to dance. When he came back home years later, he put a penny in a bottle and gave it to me and said, “Now you’ll never be broke.”
"Don was eight years older than me. As the only girl, I was a spoiled brat. When mom would try to spank me, he would throw himself over me and take my licks. He was so protective of me.
"When he was a teen, he would get ready to go out in the magazine work in an odd way. He got completely dressed, and had even put on his overcoat and gotten out his magazine bag. Then he would put on his socks and shoes. He was funny like that sometimes. I always remember those things and smile.
"I was 14 years old when he got married. After Frieda died, he told me many times that he was tired and just wanted to go to sleep until this system was over with. He missed her so bad.
"He was the last of my family. I'm just glad that he loved Jehovah and I have the chance to see him again in paradise."
~Barbara "Bobby" Christall, sister